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Shakespeare in swahililand adventures with the ever-living poet

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Detalle de la garantíaSe aceptan cambios o devoluciones por fallas de fabrica dentro de los primeros 07 dias de realizada la compra.
Tipo de tapaTapa blanda
Tipo nivel educativoBásica
Público recomendadoJuvenil
Tipo de libroJuvenil
Género literarioLiteratura en otros idiomas
AutorEdward Wilson-Lee
Formato del libroRegular
EditorialWilliam Collins
Número de edición1
Número de páginas320
Incluye1 libro
Edad recomendada de uso12 a más
Información adicional
Investigating the literary culture of the early interaction between European countries and East Africa, Edward Wilson-Lee uncovers an extraordinary sequence of stories in which explorers, railway labourers, decadent émigrés, freedom fighters, and pioneering African leaders made Shakespeare their own in this alien land.Exploring the unexpected history of Shakespeare’s global legacy, Shakespeare in Swahililand is a breathtaking combination of travel, history, biography and satire. It traces Shakespeare’s influence in Zanzibar, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan and Kenya – where Cambridge lecturer Edward Wilson-Lee was raised.From Victorian expeditions in which the Bard’s works were the sole reading material, Wilson-Lee shows how Shakespeare’s works have been a vital touchstone throughout the region. The Plays were printed by liberated slaves as one of the first texts in Swahili, performed by Indian labourers while they built the Uganda Railway, used to argue for native rights, and translated by intellectuals, revolutionaries and independence leaders. Revealing how great works can provide a key insight into modern history, these stories investigate the astonishing poignancy of beauty out of place.
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